Monday, September 6, 2010

The truth about sustainable development

Sustainable development has become quite an important word during recent times even if sometimes it is used in inappropriate situation. Some people may find it quite fashionable to brand anything as being sustainable even if it is not the case. It is important that people make some research on this term before using it. In order to help you learn more on this I have written this short article and hope that it can get you started in your research.

Sustainable development is about selecting a model of economic development that will not have any damaging effect on the environment and society generally. This imply that you should not choose a model of economic development which will affect other stakeholders. As you will have probably noticed by now sustainable development is more than just caring for the environment. French readers that desire to read more on this topic can take a look at this article on sustainable development (developpement personnel) as it carries some interesting information.

In a truly sustainable model of development there should be some effective use of energy. As I have already said above our future generation should also be taken into account when it comes to development. This is the principal reason why we should manage our energy resources better. It is only in this manner that we can give our children and grand-children a great environment. This French article on ecology (eco pret taux 0) has really grabbed my attention and should be worth taking a look.

When we speak of sustainability we should also not forget about pollution. This is why often we see people mixing the word sustainable development and organic farming. In truth by shifting to organic farming and restraining the use of chemicals we are switching towards a more sustainable pattern of development. Doing this should indeed assist in preserving the environment. One great French article that I have recently come across is organic food (recette potimarron) and should be worth reading.

Sustainable development has indeed become a hot topic nowadays. The world will not be able to sustain the current economic model for a long time without giving rise to social, environmental or economical crisis. Instead of waiting for these things to happen we will be better off tackling the problem at the root. But no one seems to care.

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